230717: A Grand Return!
I return from the Great Northern Land of Fish and Mud! And I return as a multiplicity! Many things have taken place young wizards. Many things.
I went up to the Great Northern Land of Fish and Mud and we caught over 60 thousand pounds of salmon! A bountiful harvest! Even with the aid of hydraulic rollers, powered by a magical and mysterious fluid to turn and bring the nets onto the boat, it was backbreaking labor. Me and the other mages in my home council sang songs to pass the time as we picked fish from the net. We played cards, we ate beans, we even used a remote detonation spell to explode a rotting fish carcass! What fun!
230626: Woe and Misery Upon the Land!
Woe and tragedy! I am at the Great Magician's court right now, doing magical research into the arcane, but my sigils refuse to function correctly!
It infuriates me, and I wish to fireball the whole thing, but I must keep my cool. A wizard must never misuse their spells. I shall meet with her (the Grand Magician) post-noon and discuss how best to approach these matters. I believe that if I use my pythonic sigils in the Editor of the Spyders, then it may work better than in the Notebook of Jupyter. For currently, the Notebook of Jupyter malfunctions with the simpler of the two spells I wish to cast, as well as the more complicated spell, but for different reasons with each!
I got frusterated, and as such decided to take a wizardly break to see if I could add a like counter to this very blog. I shall be using the coffee script in order to do it.
I have counselled with the Grand Magician, and she has helped me to resolve a number of the issues I was having with the sigils, as well as gave me some techniques which I can use to help debug them myself! Joy and Happiness upon this day!
230625: Delta Green and Website Building
Another fantastic day for Mage the Spectacular!
On this fine day, I played a Table Top Role Playing Game called Delta Green with my fellow compatriots! It was a great time!
We are currently playing the Impossible Landscapes Module, and I'm playing a character named xX_TrinketMaster_Xx, who has his own custom linux distribution
and also is an internet arms dealer. I need to change some of his skills over to criminology and away from other things. It was great fun to play
pretend! Pretending is quite good for all wizards to do, in my humble opinion. It keeps one on one's toes! Anywho, I've now dyed my glorious wizard hair
a vibrant red! Yes hoho! Quite a magnificent color for a wizard such as myself! The dye is still in as I type this, and shall remain in for 3 hours
to achieve the brightest, most wizardly color possible. While waiting for the dye to set, I've been updating this very website you view these words upon!
It is now able to be viewed upon mobile telephones with the same ease as a desktop computer! Been listening to music while doing it, having a bit of a wizard jam. Signing off for now! - *Mage the Spectacular*
230621: A Wonderous Day for Mage the Spectacular!
A wonderous day for me! Yesterday I procured a marvelous new device! A Domestic Rotary Sewing machine for the fine price of 55 pieces! I shall include
an image of the marvelous apparatus!